Welcom to the Greatest Union!
A totalitarian state that controls the entire world and all of its inhabitants by oppressive laws, complete surveillance and intimidation.
Frank Schwarz is a father and husband, who was fired from his job as a secretary to the minister. One way to get out of the prison sentence was to negotiate deals with a senior security agent.
As a spies for the government, the job is to break into homes and search for drugs. You also have to get rid of anyone you don’t wish to see.
To ascend the ladder at the Ministry it is necessary to monitor and prepare against your coworkers. Diverse factions are secretly competing for power over the Ministry as well as the nation – play them against each other for your benefit.
Can you get your old lifestyle back? Maybe can you find something more satisfying?
Do you want to be a fighter for change and truth or continue to stick with the status that is?
Are you ready to make sacrifices to achieve your ambitions? Two opportunities to work: One in the Ministry and one in an apartment block.
There are many political parties that are vying for leadership. Choose your side carefully.
Complete quests to the Ministry: Promote the ideology of a totalitarian state and manipulating flags. Use whatever propaganda you are given to you.
Setup surveillance cameras to search your offices and apartments.
Maintain your cover with daily chores such as making payments, fixing apartment, and making sure your tenants satisfied.
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