WinX Club Pornography Story: Winx club once again Chapter Two

WinX Club Pornography Story: Winx club once again Chapter Two

I hop you enjoy the chapter even though it is a little uneventful.

Disclaimer: i don’t own winx club

Whew that was a long trip, whispered Fiona as she stepped out of the portal and into the sunlight. The portal had dropped her right out side the gaits where she could see all the other girls lining up waiting to get signed in.

I better get lined up, she thought as she stepped through the big pink gaits and admired the view

After a while of waiting in line it was her turn

And who are you? asked miss Griselda

Em Im Fiona from Linphea

A there you are. Her is your key. You may go and wait for the freshman assemble to begin over there, she replayed sharply pointing at a line of freshman forming by the main entrance.


A few minis later another portal from Andros opened, out stepped Ron and Anne.

I will see you in a few days at the back to school dance, OK he spoke charmingly

Em ok Anne whispered as she turned and headed for Alpha. When she got there she saw all the others lining up, so followed their lead.

And who are you asked Miss Griselda

Im princess Anne from Andros

I dont see you

It has an e at the end instead of an a or n

There you are, so many different ways of spelling name its silly

I agree

Hear is your key go line up with the other freshman

Thank you Replied Anne heading for the line where she ended up standing next to a girl with green hear and a blue striped top and velvet paints.


An hour ago a shuttle had arrived from Solaria.

Thanks for the ride John

Dont mention it Princess Rebecca

As she headed through the gaits to miss Griselda she decided to call her miss G like her mum did

Hallo miss G

Who are you? asked Miss Griselda

Princess Rebecca of Solaria

O no not another one she spoke uneasily hear is your key and come in

Thank you

Rebecca had trotted off to the line next to a red hared girl with a butterfly clip in her hear


Five minis before the sign in was about to close three shuttles arrived; one from Sparks one from Melody and one from Zenith. All the girls and boys got off and headed for there schools. Seven girls headed into Alfea all heading for miss Griselda.

And who are you three

I am princess Ora from Sparks

I am also princess Aria of sparks

Im Helena of Melody

And Im Roxy of Zenith

Well hear are your keys you better hurry up if you want to make it to freshman assembly

All the girls took there keys and ran to the line just in time

Welcome girls to Alfea. I hop this to be a grate year as we have quit a good group of fairies this year informed Headmistress FaragondaIm a former student and former fairy godmother. Some of you will fight evil, some will grant wishes and many are princess that will take over your relms. Now use all the time to content to your winx and go meet your room mats

Rember any miss behave will be punished finished Miss Griselda

All the girls scattered and headed off to find their rooms.

Eventually Rebecca made it to room 17 and looked around to see four adjoining doors. Suddenly them main door opened in came Fiona

O hi Im Fiona from Linphea

Im Rebecca of Solaria, Princess actually

Whew Im a princess two, Anne

Im not, hi Helena of Melody

After a few mints the last three room mats arrived

O Im Roxy and this is princess Ora and princess Aria

Whom are we rooming with? Asked Ora

Well we havent checked the lists yet, informed Rebecca

Ok lets see then encouraged Helena

Yer added Aria who proceeded to read out the list

The list read

Princess Rebecca

Princess Aria and Helena

Princess Ora and Fiona

princess Anne and Roxy

Lets get unpacked then meet hear, suggested Ora

Why asked Roxy

So we can go for lunch and get to know each other finished Fiona

Good idea imputed Rebecca

We could go down town magix, suggested Anne

Even better lets do it Helena

Fine Ill come to, muttered Roxy heading into her room

This will be fun, added a happy Aria

Half an hour later they were ready to go, Roxy discussed they were only going for food and not shopping so she could get some different cloths.

I hop to have the next chapter up soon. Please reviw

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