WinX Club Porno Story: In the Begining Chapter 13

WinX Club Porno Story: In the Begining Chapter 13

Past: Part I: Zaera

You can kid the world. But not your sister. Charlotte Gray

8 years old:

Zaera ran down the hallway to see where her older sister, Sairi-who was 12- was. She opened the door to her sister’s room and saw Sairi texting on her computer.

“Sairi! What’s going on?” Zaera asked.

“I’m texting Miranda,” Sairi said. Miranda was Sairi’s friend from Melody, who was a commoner.

“Can you help me with this?”

“Sure,” Sairi said.

Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

19 years old:

“Hey! PRINCESS!” Xanadu called.

“Leave me alone!” Zaera tried, trying to get away from Xanadu and her gang.

“But Princess, we’re so honored to finally see you outside your castle!” Xanadu laughed.

“Stop it!” the young princess cried as she ran back to the palace.

“You heard her! Stop it!”

Xanadu and her friends looked up and saw someone. Iridessa Lightam

Zaera ran behind her friend.

“Or what?” Xanadu’s friend asked, “You’ll throw a dirty mop at me?”

Iridessa grabbed a rock and threw it at Xanadu. Then, putting her hands together, she sent an army of rocks at them with magic.

Xanadu’s friends ran away screaming.

A sister is a forever friend. Author Unknown

10 years old:

“Zaera! Guess what?” Sairi asked as she walked in elagantly.

“What?” Zaera asked.

“I’ve figured out how to transform!” Sairi said.

“Show me!”

Sairi’s blond hair became longer and fell around her legs. Her dress became short and silver, and she wor a moon headband.

“It’s beautiful!” Zaera cried.

“I know! I’m so happy!”

“Are you going to one of those fairy schools?”

“Of course not!” Sairi said, “I’m staying with you! Someone has to protect you from Xanadu.”

“Iridessa can,” Zaera said, but she was happy that her sister was staying.

“But what would I do without you?” Sairi asked.

The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Charles Dubois

11 years old:

Zaera sat listening to her mother talk about her future responsibility.

“As princess, it is your duty to be able to protect your people no matter what,” her mother went on.

“Yes, Mother. I know,” Zaera said. Sometimes she felt like a stranger around her mother. She wasn’t her mother’s daughter; she was the future heir.

“Would you die for your kingdom?”

“Yes, I would,” Zaera said.

“Would you eliminate all threats, no matter what the cost?”

“Of course,” Zaera said.

“What if it was Iridessa?”

Zaera thought, then said, “If it was a threat to Lunaria, I would do whatever had to be done.”

“What if it meant killing your sister?”

“I hope it never comes to that, but if it does, then I will,” Zaera said.

“What about another kingdom? What if there was a threat elsewhere?”

“Then I’d attempt to help, but not at the expense of my kingdom.”

“And what if these sacrifices were the only way to save your kingdom, but it required someone else?”

“I would sacrifice myself before Lunaria,” Zaera said.

“You do understand,” her mother said with a sad look in her eyes, “You are no child. You do not need to be.”

“Thank you,” Zaera said.

Zaera never got her childhood.

It is very easy to forgive others their mistakes; it takes more grit to forgive them for having witnessed your own. Jessamyn West

12 years old:

Zaera and Iridessa walked back to the palace. Zaera never stayed late after school. Her job was to go to school, come home, do her homework, and stay at the palace. She had a lot of freedom, but there was barely anywhere Zaera hadn’t been.

“Hello, Princess,” Xanadu smirked.

Zaera had officially had enough of Xanadu’s torture. It had been going on for years now. Normally she ran away and hid. But today she turned and looked Xanadu in the eyes.

“Shut. Up.” Zaera said.

“Oh-ho! She’s finally fighting back!” Xanadu smirked.

“Yes, I am.” Zaera narrowed her eyes. Without thinking she charged at Xanadu and punched her in the face. The two were rolling on the ground. Zaera punched Xanadu, but Xanadu fought back.

Iridessa ran up and grabbed Zaera, trying to get her away from Xanadu. But Zaera was unreachable. It was as though she was being taken over.

“Let go of me,” she hissed with venom on her voice.

“Zaera, listen to me!”

“GET OFF OF ME!” Zaera shrieked.

Instantly, a glow of silvery energy emerged from her and blasted Iridessa backwards. She ran at Xanadu, extended her arm, and shot a chain of magic that bound Xanadu.

Zaera’s eyes glowed as her inital magical experience began. She was going to kill Xanadu. Not her, but she had no control of her magic. So the first time she ever used magic, it controled her.

Iridessa ran up and stood in front of Xanadu.

“Zaera! Listen to me!”

“Get out of my way!” Zaera screamed. When Iridessa didn’t, Zaera attacked.

The force of her attack knocked Iridessa to the ground. Zaera snapped back to herself.

“Did…did I do this?”

Xanadu stood up and ran.

Iridessa was dead.

What’s the good of news if you haven’t a sister to share it? Jenny DeVries

13 years old:

“Zaera, guess what!” Sairi ran into Zaera’s room. Ever since Iridessa died, Sairi had been the only one who Zaera opened up to.


“It’s amazing! I’m getting married!”

“What?!” Zaera asked.

“His name’s Radius from Solaria!” Sairi said, “I’m going to live in Solaria!”

“Wait! Aren’t you going to be queen of Lunaria?”

“That’s the next greatest news! You get to be queen!”

Zaera never told Sairi how much she hated her.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi

15 years old:

“Zaera, next year you need to learn how to use your magic,” her mother said.

“No!” Zaera screamed. She hadn’t used her magic for three years, and she didn’t ever want to.

“If you can’t use your magic, then you’ll never be respected as a queen,” her mother said again.

“But Mother!” Zaera cried, “The first -and last- time I used magic, I killed Iridessa.”

“Exactly why you need to learn to use it to the fullest of your abilities. Whatever it is that scares you about it will have to be overlooked. For your people.”


“No, Zaera. This is final. Next year you’re going to Alfea.”


Zaera pulled her hair back. She’d gone to Alfea, but she’d sworn the moment she arrived that she’d limit her magic. She glanced at her pixie, Restrio.

Zaera wasn’t going to let her magic free. She would always restrict her magic.

Which was what had scared her when Eclipse attacked. There were no limits. It was a free-fall through darkness. That was just how Zaera felt. Free-fall through life.

Another chapter done! I started with Zaera’s past, because that seems important, and because I don’t have enough Zaera.

Now, this isn’t too out of place. There will be a non-flashback chapter next (unless you want another flashback…)

I’m trying not to make these charectors so far out. Like Zaera’s sister is Stella’s mom, and such.

I’ve come up with the idea that the witches themselves aren’t evil, just their magic. Their magic is sort of controlling them. That’s just my idea, but whatev.

So, please review.

And thank you rogue-scholar07 and Chibi Horsewoman for reviewing. It means a lot to me!

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